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Q1: How to assemble the product?
Q2: Can I connect this to a Bluetooth speaker?
No, it only comes with Bluetooth input functionality, but you can try to connect with RCA cable.
Q3: The turntable keeps turning too slowly after a period of use, any suggestion?
Try to lubricate the hole under the platter with some oil or replace it with a new belt.
Q4: Tonearm shaking too much, making records unplayable, any suggestions?
It’s recommended to re-adjust the tonearm and make sure it is neutrally balanced before the counterweight tracking force is set up.
Q5: For the stylus skips, any suggestions?
It's recommended to re-adjust the cartridge tracking force and make sure the tracking force is 3.5g.
Q6: Does the arm automatically go onto the record by itself to play and vise versa?
The turntable is not automatic, so you should manually put the tonearm onto the record. But the turntable will automatically stop 3 minutes after the record ends.
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